Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Advantages of Good Agricultural Practices

Advantages of Good Agricultural Practices SWAGATA SETH Good Agricultural Practices History The U. S in 1998 issued a guidance under which the contamination of fresh fruits and vegetables and how to reduce it was given by Food and Drug Administration was there. (USDA, 2011). In 2002 GAP was established by the agengy which are existed so they donot require any reauthorization. ( National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition, 2014) Good agricultural practices have main points of food safety with the points like harvesting, transportation of products and advice the grower to implement the general recommendation of adopted the best management practices( Sudheer Indria, 2007). Good agricultural practices are the practices which are used for the good economic conditions and also social conditions as well as it encompasses environment al issues for the commercialisation and good market value of horticultural and agricultural products also it tries to give good quality food which is healthier, safer, nutritious to the consumers( The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 2012). Good agricultural practices also includes non-food products as well as processing foods. These practices make the food more safe from consumption point of view(Anonymous, 2008). Farming practices includes a very large scope of good agricultural practices at different at different levels. In these practices sustainable agriculture methods are also included(TNAU, 2015). Rules and regulations for the good agricultural practices includes a huge number of activities which may include from the product which are in the farm at cultivation stage, then it also includes the fields the polyhouses, type of fertilisers, seeds which is used then irrigation facilities, pesticides, composting, then interculture operations and then harvesting and also the process which are done outside the fields, like the processing of the products or the products may go through a long distributing channel which includes the middleman, producer and various agents, retailers upto the consumer that is the consumption point(Watts, 2012). Objectives Good agricultural practices needs to keep a proper record of the production process or the technologies which is required for processing or for harvesting of each crops for the areas which are very much good or important agricultural based and ecological regions, and to collect and then plan and the execute then the final process of distribution the knowledge in that major regions (ANONYMOUS, 2015). Good agricultural practices is required for the following reasons There may be contamination in the products which may be biological like fungi, bacteria, viruses, attack when the products are in the field or they are brought to home, although washing, cleaning and cooking can kill the pathogen but if consumed raw then harm can occur (Eaton Watson, 2012). Some of the important factors which should be keep in mind for Good agricultural practices. 1. Washing of products :- a)Â  Washing of products are necessary to remove the dust particles, chemicals, soil pathogen, microorganisms with fresh water( Srivastava Kumar, 2009). b) Clean and fresh water is necessary when tanks are used. Paddle conveyor washers and rotary machines are used for washing(Gupta, 2015). 2. Cleaning: cleaning is a practice where the unwanted materials are removed which may be the green, yellow brown, dead insects soggy parts of fruits or other undesirable items either by hand picking or mechanically( Sharma, 2009). 3. Sanitation:-is necessary to prevent the promotion of diseases from one item to another, also chlorine is used of 100-150 ppm to prevent the spread of pathogen( Kitinoja Kader, 2003). 4. Transportation:-highway trailers is oftenly used in transportation of fresh products ( Vigneault, 2015). It is an intregal part of post harvest handling and distribution is done through railway tracks, airplane, trucks. ventilation during the cool time in night and refrigrirated automobiles results in good preservation. ( Peter, 2009) 5. Manures:-By the process of exposing the manure to higher temperature and by aerobic compost method microbial attacks can be minisime. After applying the manure in the field cover it with some plastic cover or grasses or mulches to get rid from physical contamination(Ellis, 2004). 6. Water:- The draining facility and pesticides loss by running off should be checked and soil salinization should be checked. (Anonymous, 2015). By irrigation water contaminations can be there back to the fruits and vegetables and also surface water is more contaminated( Sudheer and Indira, 2007). Drip irrigation Should be restricted and it not only saves water pollution but also good quality of products can be achieved(Singha, 2013). 7. Equipment and Employee hygiene:-employee hygiene is very necessary as because many contaminations may take palce through this so proper handling of crops, hand washing equipments cleaniness, fresh dress, adequate washroom facilities, using soaps etc(Chapman, 2015). 8. Pesticides or herbicides: Some herbicide is having stimulatory effects on the plant pathogens and reduces or promotes the diseases severity. Proper understanding of effectiveness pattern of pesticides and effects with pathogen will give the proper use of pesticides( Devi, 1987). Surveillance and monitoring of pesticides residues should be recorded to keep the products free from contamination(Sudheer Indira, 2009). 9. Post harvest handling:-the things which are required after harvesting the crops like transportation, equipments, cold storage etc packaging materials(Jayachandhran, 2005). Flower life can be increased by adopting new technologies at right time, with proper length and storage technology, pulsing with sugar(Bhattacharjee, 1999). Application of calcium based chemicals increase the post harvest life reducimg the handling losses of crops by minimizing the rate of respiration(Jayachandaran, 2005). Benefits of Using GAP Proper adoption and managing of GAP increases the quality of the products and also raw foods, pr processed foods. this GAP also helps for sustainable agricultural and also the environment(Akkaya, Yalcin, 2015). Hurdels Of GAP There are many hurdles related to GAP like increases in production cost, because of keeping databases for various govt. Schemes which are available and the schemes and procedures which are followed in the farmers. The farmers do not know property about the various measures or step that should be taken as GAP and also about the Technologies( Tilman Kenneth, 2008 ). Conclusion So i have concluded that good agricultural practices are important for the most important thing that is human health followed by the ecocomic value of the products. And all the main factors should be always kept in mind as without this the possibility of contamination of food increases. Bibliography Akkaya, F and Yalcin, R. (2015). Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and Its Implementation in Turkey. University of Adonis, Antalya/Turkey. http://www. researchgate. net/profile/Burhan_Ozkan/publication/237651514_Good_Agricultural_Practices_(GAP)_and_Its_Implementation_in_Turkey/links/0046352da96b8c102e000000. pdf, retrieved on May 23. Anonymous. (2015). Good Agricultural Practices. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Good agricultural practice, retrieved on May 26. Bhatacharjee, S. K. (1999). ‘Post harvest management of cut flowers cut foliage and post production management of potted plant’. Journal of ornamental horticulture. Indian society of ornamental horticulture. Vol-15(12) Jan –June 2012, p-116. Chapman, B. (2015). Good Agricultural Practices for Small Diversified Farms Tips and Strategies to Reduce Risk and Pass an Audit. North Carolina State University and the Carolina Farm Stewardship Association. http://www. carolinafarmstewards. org/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/CFSA_GAPS-web. pdf, retrived on May 23. Devi, K. K. (1987). Effect of herbicides on growth of phytopathogeneic fungi in soil. Dept of Botany Plant Pathology, Assam Agricultural University, pp 1-2. Eaton, J. (2007). Good Agricultural Practices (GAP). University of Kentucky cooperative extension services. http://www. uky. edu/Ag/CCD/introsheets/gap. pdf, retrieved on May 24. Ellis. J. (2004). ‘On-farm Food Safety’: Guide to Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs). Iowa extension university. https://store. extension. iastate. edu/Product/pm1974a-pdf, retrieved on May 22. FAO(2008). Good agricultural practices. http://www. fao. org/prods/gap/, retrived on May 22. Gupta, S. (2015). New development in technologies of fruits. In: food processing and agro based industries. EIRI project consultants and Publishers, Roop Nagar, New Delhi, p 110 Jayachandhran, K. S. (2005). ’Post harvest sprays of different sources of calcium to improve the shelf life of fruits’. Indian journal of horticulture. The horticulture society of india. Vol 62. no. 01. pp 66-70 Kitinoja, L and Kader, A. (2003). Postharvest Horticulture Series No. 8E. Small-Scale Postharvest Handling Practices: A Manual for Horticultural Crops (4th Edition). http://ucce. ucdavis. edu/files/datastore/234-1450. pdf, retrieved on May 23. National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition. (2014). Good Agricultural Practices and Good Handling Practices Audit verification programme. http://sustainableagriculture. net/publications/grassrootsguide/food-safety/good-agricultural-practices-and-good-handling-practices-audit-verification-program/, retrived on June 1. Peter, K. V. (2009). Post harvest management of fruits and vegetables. In: Basics of Horticulture. New India Publishing Agengy, Pitam Pura, New Delhi. pp 205 Sharma, A. (2009). Introduction. In :Textbook of food science and technology, International Book distributing co. Lucknow, U. P, pp 5-6 Singha, K. (2013). Evaluation of water requirement and level of fertigation on cabbage(brassica oleracea) green express with or nutitional black film mulch. Dept of Horticulture. Assam Agricultural university, pp 5-6 Sreevastava, R. P and Kumar, S. (2009). Canning and bottling of fruits and vegetables. In: Fruit and vegetables preservation principles and practices, International book Distribution Co, Lucknow, U. P, p 102 Sudheer, K. P and Indira. (2007). Quality of fresh and processed products. In:Post harvest technology of horticultural crops, Pitam Pura, New Delhi-110088, p 250 The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. 2012, Columbia Agriculture General. http://www. infoplease. com/encyclopedia/science/good-agricultural-practices. html /, retrived on May 2015. Tilman. D, et al. (2008). Agricultural sustainability and intensive production practices. Nature international weekly journal of science doi:10. 1038/nature01014, pp 418, 671-677 TNAU Agriportal Publications: Good Agricultural Practices. (2014). http://agritech. tnau. ac. in/gap_gmp_glp/gap_about. html, retrieved on May 25. USDA, (2011). Good Agricultural Practices and Good Handling Practices Audit Verification Program. http://www. ams. usda. gov/AMSv1. 0/getfile?dDocName=stelprdc5097151, retrived on June 1. Vigneault, C. (2009). Transportation of fresh horticultural produce. Postharvest Technologies for Horticultural Crops, Vol. 2: : 978-81-308-0356-2, pp 1-24 Watts, C. (2012). Good agricultural practices and gap certification. Good agricultural practices. https://gillingsproject. wordpress. com/good-agricultural-practices-and-gap-certification/, retrieved on May 23.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Sexism in Film Essay example -- Film

In society, women are often perceived as the weaker sex, both physically and mentally. In modern times women have leveled the playing field between men and women, and feminism is a highly discussed topic, but for years, women faced discrimination and prejudice both in life and in the workplace, due to their sex. This way of thinking flooded into the world of film. In their works, the authors of each of the various sources address the limitations and liberations of women both on and off the screen in nineteenth century Film and Cinema. Not every source is completely filled with information related to the research topic, but they do cover and analyze many of the same points from different perspectives. Prominent points addressed in each source include the domination of the male voice in cinema, the presentation of women on screen, and society’s influence on the status of women roles in film. A common concept in a lot of the sources is that men dominate the film industry both onscreen and off. According to the article, Why There are no Women in the Movies, â€Å"men make the movies and the relationships and roles are molded according to the male viewpoint† (Yates 226). This, in relation to the other sources, is a very valid fact. Coinciding with his point, Hollywood Film Critic, Richard Corliss states in his TIME Magazine article, Calling Their Own Shots: Women Directors Make it in Hollywood, that â€Å"the guys ran things—as producers, directors, bosses†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Men were behind the scenes, they decided what scripts got chosen to be made into films. They were the heads of production companies and producers of the films. Whatever they said†¦went. Men were not only in charge of what was going on onscreen, but they monopolized off-screen positions as we... ...e. â€Å"The Allure of the Predatory Woman in Fatal Attraction and Other Current American Movies.† Journal of Popular Culture 26.3 (Winter 1992): 47-57. Academic Search Complete. Web. 13 March 2015. Mahar, Karen Ward. Women Filmmakers in Early Hollywood. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 2006. Print Pomerance, Murray, ed. Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls: Gender in Film at the End of the Twentieth Century. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2001. Print. Quart, Barbara Koenig. Women Directors: The Emergence of a New Cinema. New York: Praeger, 1988. Print.. Segar, Linda. When Women Call The Shots: The Developing Power and Influence of Women in Television and Film. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1996. Print. Yates, John. â€Å"Why There are no Women in the Movies.† Journal of Popular Film 4.3 (1975): 223-234. America: History & Life. Web. 13 March 2015.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

The Role of Social Partnership

THE ROLE OF SOCIAL PARTNERSHIP Rory O’Donnell From Studies, Volume 90, Number 357 1. Introduction Social partnership has been a conspicuous feature of Irish economic, social and political life in the past decade and a half. This paper assesses its role in Ireland’s economic transformation and considers what role it might have in the years to come. Section 2 outlines the analytical foundations of Irish partnership and Section 3 shows how these are reflected in the five partners hip programmes since 1987.Section 4 summarises the self-understanding of partnership as a system of bargaining, inclusion and deliberation. The impact of partnership on economic performance is discussed in section 5. The paper close with consideration of the pressures on partnership and its possible future. 2. The Analytical Foundations of Irish Social Partnership In 1990, the National Economic and Social Council (NESC) set out a framework which has informed its subsequent work, and which underlie s the social partners’ understanding of the process.It argued that there are three requirements for a consistent policy framework in a small, open, European democracy: (I) Macroeconomic: the economy must have a macroeconomic policy approach which guarantees low inflation and steady growth of aggregate demand; (ii) Distributional: there must be an evolution of incomes which ensures competitiveness, which handles distributional issues without disrupting the economy and which is fair; (iii) Structural: there must be a set of policies which facilitate and promote structural change in order to maintain competitiveness in an ever changing external environment.The Council argued that, in the Irish case, the first of these requirements is best met by adherence to the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) and transition to EMU. It argued that the second of these requirements is best met by a negotiated determination of incomes. To be really effective, such a negotiated approach must encompass not only the evolution of pay, but also taxation, the public finances, monetary policy, the main areas of public provision and social welfare.In pursuit of the third requirement, the Council advocated a programme of structural reform in taxation, social welfare, housing, industrial policy, manpower policy and the management of public enterprises. It argued that such reforms are best achieved with the consent and participation of those who work in the agencies and institutions concerned. The international orientation of Irish social partnership was further underlined in the 1996 NESC report Strategy into the 21st Century.While globalisation has undermined many elements of national economic policy, there remain areas where national policy remains crucial. In a small, open, European democracy like Ireland: (I) Most of the policies which affect national prosperity are supply-side policies; (ii) Given rapid economic change, national policies must produce flexibility; (iii) Succ essful national supply-side policies, directed towards innovation and competitiveness, depend on the high level social cohesion and co-operation that the state can both call upon and develop.This suggests that once a consensus on macroeconomic policy is in place, the main focus of policy should be on the supply-side measures that influence competitive advantage and social inclusion, and on institutional arrangements that allow discovery and implementation of such measures (NESC, 1996). 3. Five Social Partnership Agreements, 1987 to 2001 The content and process of social partnership has evolved significantly since 1987 (O’Donnell and O’Reardon, 1997, 2000).All five programmes included agreement between employers, unions and government on the rate of wage increase in both the private and public sectors for a three-year period. The exchange of moderate wage increases for tax reductions has remained an important feature of partnership. Beyond pay and tax, the partnership p rogrammes have contained agreement on an ever-increasing range of economic and social policies. A consistent theme has been the macroeconomic parameters of fiscal correction, the Maastricht criteria and transition to EMU. Another has been employment creation and the problem of long-term unemployment.The 1990 agreement led to the creation of local partnership companies—involving the social partners, the community and voluntary sector and state agencies—to design and implement a more co-ordinated, multi-dimensional, approach to social exclusion (Sabel, 1996; Walsh et al, 1998). While partnership began by addressing a critical central issue, looming insolvency an economic collapse, it has since focused more and more on a range of complex supply-side matters. An important feature of Irish social partnership has been the widening of the process beyond the traditional social partners.The National Economic and Social Forum (NESF) was established and membership of existing del iberative bodies (such as NESC) was widened to include representatives of the community and voluntary sector. The programmes negotiated in 1996 and 2000 involved representatives of the unemployed, women’s groups and others addressing social exclusion. Those agreements also included measures to promote partnership at enterprise level and agreement on action to modernise the public service. Using the consistent policy framework outlined in Section 2, we can identify a significant dual evolution of Irish social partnership.Over the five programmes since 1987, the emphasis has shifted from macroeconomic matters to structural and supply side policies, and the range of supply-side issues has widened to address key constraints on Irish growth, such as childcare and life-long learning. This change in the substance or content partnership has involved a parallel change in method. While macroeconomic strategy can be agreed in high-level negotiation, complex cross-cutting policies on soc ial exclusion, training, business development or childcare cannot be devised and implemented in high-level national deliberation or negotiation.Consequently, to address the growing list of supply-side issues there has been an expanding array of working groups, task-forces, ‘frameworks’ and ‘forums’—involving representatives of the various social partners. In a few areas of policy—such as long-term unemployment, rural and urban re-generation and business development—new institutional arrangements have been created involve actors on the ground. + 4. Beyond Bargaining: Deliberation and Problem Solving Shared analysis of economic and social problems and policies has been a key aspect of the partnership process.Indeed, that analysis has focused on the partnership system itself (NESC, 1996; NESF, 1997). This revealed that a distinction can be made between two conceptions, or dimensions, of partnership: 1. Functional interdependence, bargainin g and deal making. 2. Solidarity, inclusiveness and participation. Effective partnership involves both of these, but cannot be based entirely on either. To fall entirely into the first could be to validate the claim that the process simply reflects the power of the traditional social partners.To adopt a naive inclusivist view would risk reducing the process to a purely consultative one, in which all interests and groups merely voiced their views and demands. There is a third dimension of partnership, which transcends these two. ‘Bargaining’ or ‘negotiation’ describes a process in which each party comes with definite preferences and seeks to maximise its gains. But partnership involves the players in a process of deliberation that has the potential to shape and reshape their understanding, identity and preferences.This idea is implicit in NESC’s description of the process as ‘dependent on a shared understanding’, and ‘characterised by a problem-solving approach designed to produce consensus’. This third dimension has to be added to the hard-headed notion of bargaining (and to the idea of solidarity) to adequately capture the process. The key to the process would seem to be the adoption of ‘a problem-solving approach’. As one experienced social partner put it, ‘The society expects us to be problem-solving’. A notable feature of effective partnership experiments is that the partners do not debate their ultimate social visions.This problem-solving approach is a central aspect of the partnership process, and is critical to its effectiveness. This suggests that rather than being the pre-condition for partnership, consensus and shared understanding are more like an outcome. It is a remarkable, if not easily understood, fact that deliberation which is problem-solving and practical produces consensus, even where there are underlying conflicts of interest, and even where there was no sh ared understanding at the outset. It is also a fact that using that approach to produce a consensus in one area, facilitates use of the same approach in other areas.The key may lie in understanding what kind of consensus is produced when problem-solving deliberation is used. It is generally a provisional consensus to proceed with practical action, as if a certain analytical perspective was correct, while holding open the possibility of a review of goals, means and underlying analysis. The word compromise is inadequate to describe this type of agreement, since compromise so often fudges the issues that need to be addressed. A similar account of the elements and process of concertation has independently emerged in recent work on the ‘Dutch miracle’ (Visser and Hemerijck, 1997; Visser, 1998).Visser and Hemerijck draw attention to new combinations of centralisation and decentralisation, and emphasise the combination of interest-group dialogue and expert input which create a common definition of problems. This yielded a ‘problem-solving style of joint decision-making’, in which participants are ‘obliged to explain, give reasons and take responsibility for their decisions and strategies to each other, to their rank and file, and to the general public’ (Visser, 1998, p. 12). The institutions of concertation work where they facilitate shift from a ‘bargaining style’ to a ‘problem-solving style’.Visser considers that ‘the most interesting property of social cencertation lies in the possibility that interest groups redefine the content of their self-interested strategies in a â€Å"public-regarding† way’ (Visser, 1998, p. 13). 5. The Impact of Partnership on Economic Performance The period of social partnership has been one of unprecedented economic success in Ireland. The country not only escaped from the deep economic, social and political crisis of the 1980s, but may have significant ly addressed its long-term developmental problems of emigration, unemployment, trade deficits and weak indigenous business development.Under partnership, growth resumed, inflation continued to decline, the budget deficit fell sharply, employment began to recover, but unemployment initially stayed stubbornly high. The European recession of the early 1990s and the ERM crisis of 1992-93 interrupted Ireland’s recovery somewhat. Strong growth after 1993 produced a dramatic increase in employment, huge budget surpluses and, eventually, a big reduction in unemployment. The combination of economic growth, tax reductions, reduced interest rates and wage increases yielded a substantial increase in real take home pay.Between 1987 and 1999, the cumulative increase in real take home pay for a person on average manufacturing earnings was over 35 per cent. The performance of the Irish economy since the mid-1990s, was exceptionally strong, particularly in employment creation. Indeed, between 1994 and 1999, Ireland achieved a 28 per cent increase in employment, while the EU as a whole produced a 3 per cent increase. What role has partnership had in Ireland’s remarkable economic performance since 1987?The partnership approach would seem to have had a significant impact on the Irish economy, though three channels: wage bargaining, coherent and consistent macroeconomic policy and change in supply-side factors. Consider first the impact of the partnership approach to wage bargaining. One of the most striking features of Irish economic performance in the period of partnership has been the enhanced profitability of business. Lane demonstrates that the rate of return on capital almost doubled, rising from 8. 6 percent in 1987 to 15. 4 per cent in 1996.The sharp rise in profitability coincides with ‘the formation of a new consensus among the social partners, as formalised in the negotiation of a sequence of national agreements’, suggesting that ‘the in comes policy that lies at the heart of a new consensus is an important factor in explaining the income shift from labour to capital’ (Lane 1999, p. 228). The resulting environment of wage moderation and high profitability is almost certainly a key factor in Ireland’s employment creation, attraction of inward investment and the unprecedented commercial success of indigenous companies (see also Honohan, 1999; McHale, 2000).FitzGerald’s econometric study of the Irish labour market leads him to suggest that the ‘impact of the partnership approach to wage formation has been less significant than many have assumed’, since ‘the partnership approach served more to validate the results which market forces had made inevitable’ (1999. p. 160 and p. 162). The main impact of partnership lay in improved industrial relations, which significantly enhanced economic performance, and the fact that ‘the partnership approach has also contributed to a more coherent approach to economic policy making’ (FitzGerald, 2000, p. 42).This brings us to the second channel through which partnership influenced the economy. In macroeconomic terms, partnership was an important element in Ireland’s transition form a high-inflation, volatile and conflictual economy to a low-inflation, stable, economy. In particular, a shared understanding on the position of the Irish economy took the exchange rate, and therefore inflation, outside day-to-day party political competition and industrial relations conflict. This can be contrasted with an approach in which short-termism ruled in economic policy, business decisions and wage setting.Through much of the post war period, that led the UK to short bursts of economic growth, followed by recessions imposed in order to reduce inflation. Ireland’s experiment since 1987, partly inoculated it from the unsuccessful combination of macro policy and income determination pursued in Britain for ma ny years. Ireland finally escaped the most negative effects of Britain’s political business cycle. As a result, it achieved low and predictable inflation combined with strong growth of output and employment.It has also preserved a higher level of social solidarity, which seems an essential pre-requisite to sustaining redistributive policies and addressing issues of structural change and reform in a non-conflictual way. Ray MacSharry, Minister of Finance during the critical period of fiscal correction, considers that ‘social partnership could well be regarded as the crowning achievement of the Celtic Tiger economy’ (MacSharry and White, 2000, p. 144). The third channel of influence on the economy is a supply-side mechanism.This arose because there would seem to be a close connection between settling major macroeconomic and distributional issues, on the one hand, and constructive engagement with supply-side problems, on the other. Closing-off macroeconomic alternat ives freed management, union, community and government energies for discussion of real issues that impact on competitiveness and social inclusion—corporate strategy, technical change, training, working practices, the commercialisation of state-owned enterprises, taxation, local re-generation, active labour market policy—and forced (almost) all to engage in realistic discussion of change.During the period of Partnership 2000, the Irish economy has been in virtuous circle. Wage restraint has enhanced competitiveness, which has been converted into employment growth. This in turn has generated additional tax revenues which have been used to reduce direct taxes and hence underpin wage moderation. Indeed, the success of the 1990s has been so great that the constraints on Irish growth now consist of infrastructural bottlenecks and labour shortages, something I discuss in Section 6. It would clearly be inaccurate to attribute all the success of the Irish economy to social part nership.Partnership enhanced competitiveness, assisted fiscal correction, produced consensus and stability in economic policy, and increased flexibility in both public policy and enterprises. This created the context within which Ireland’s long-term developmental strategy finally achieved its potential. That strategy involved heavy investment in education, particularly in information technology, attraction of inward investment and full participation in European integration (O’Donnell, 2000). The ‘Celtic Tiger’ of the 1990s resulted from the interaction of partnership with a set of supply-side characteristics that nhanced international competitiveness and encouraged fast economic growth. These included a young, well-educated, English-speaking workforce, improved infrastructure (funded by both the EU and the Irish state), an inflow of leading US enterprises (attracted by both Irish conditions and the deepening European market), a new population of Irish ente rprises (free of the debilitating weaknesses of the past and open to new organisational patterns), and de-regulation of the service sectors (driven by the completion of the Euroean internal market).The completion of the European internal market internal was a most important factor in the recovery and re-orientation of the Irish economy. One possible limit of consensus is the difficulty of undertaking radical action which disrupts entrenched interests in protected parts of both the public and private sector. While social partnership stabilised the economy, European integration produced a steady pressure to make public utilities and services more efficient, consumer-oriented and independent of state subsidy or protection+.Thus, Ireland benefited from an unusual, but benign, combination of institutionalised co-ordinated of the key economic actors and pressure for market conformity (O’Donnell, 2000). While the evolution of Irish economic policy in the past fourteen years has been marked by a high level of consensus—between the social partners and across the political spectrum—the more liberal and orthodox economists have stood outside the consensus.Their opposition, negligible in policy terms but influential in academia and the media, is both to the substance of the prevailing consensus and to the idea and value of consensus itself. Some have objected to the politicisation of industrial relations because they believe it adds to the bargaining power of trade unionism. Others have argued that the social partners are ‘insiders’, whose pay and conditions have been protected at the expense of ‘outsiders who would work for less’, and that social partnership has had the effect of ‘raising the level of unemployment and emigration’ (Walsh and Leddin, 1992).In a recent historical review of Irish development, Haughton says ‘It was fortunate that the wage agreements have coincided with rapid economic growth, be cause the agreements create considerable rigidity in the labour market’ (Haughton, 1998, p. 37). An aspect of the strategy that has particularly provoked orthodox and neo-liberal economists is EMU. Opposition to the negotiated approach to economic and social management is combined, in almost all cases, with a strong attachment to sterling rather than the euro (e. g Neary and Thom, 1997). 6.The Future of Social Partnership Given pressure on the wage agreement of the Programme for Prosperity and Fairness (PPF), many are asking ‘can partnership survive? It seems more useful to consider what is now required in the three elements of the consistent policy framework—macroeconomic, distribution and structural change—and to ask what role partnership has in facilitating the necessary policies. Adopting that approach, it is clear that structural issues are urgent and the distributional settlement in place since 1987 is under pressure.The future of partnership revolve s around these two. The urgency of structural and supply-side issues was recognised in the PPF. Rapid growth has led to bottlenecks in housing, labour supply, childcare, health, transport, telecommunications, electricity generation and waste management. While the primary goal of partnership had been fiscal correction and employment creation, public policy must now aim to increase living standards, enhance the quality of life, achieve infrastructural investment and lay the economic and social foundations for long-term prosperity.Both short term sustainability and long-term prosperity and social cohesion, require a radical improvement in the level, quality and range of services. Does partnership have a role in achieving these structural and supply-side changes? The key to answering this question lies in recognising that many of these require fundamental change in public administration and the organisation of working life. This suggests a first role for social partnership: it can help to create a new national consensus for organisational change and continuous improvement.The experience of the past shows that the partners’ strategic overview—if persuasive, oriented to the wider good and genuinely problem-solving—can been a critical element in achieving major change in Irish policy. Without a strong consensus on organisational change, pay issues (which do require attention) are likely to crowd out issues of service and organisational capability. In a consensus-oriented system, it is necessary to mobilise consensus to overcome veto points that systems of consultation can create.But the solution of many of these structural and supply-side problems cannot be found in high-level deliberation and bargaining alone. While government is critical, it cannot on its own design and provide the necessary services. We require examination of the content, delivery, monitoring and evaluation of public policy and services. This recasting of public policy must in clude reconsideration of the roles of central departments, agencies, professionals, branch offices and citizens in setting goals, delivering services and monitoring performance (O’Donnell and Teague, 2000).This suggests a second role for social partnership: government, its agencies and the social partners can jointly work out how certain supply-side services can best be provided. But it also demands that the evolution in the method of partnership—from high-level negotiation to multi-level problem solving—be taken much further, to include organisations on the ground and citizens in problem solving and policy design. It is clear that the distributional element of the partnership framework is also under considerable stress and requires re-examination and probably revision.Indeed, it looks likely that all three elements of the distributional settlement require reconsideration: wage bargaining, public sector pay determination and social inclusion and the social wage. The pressure on these arrangements is largely a reflection of the dramatic change in the size and structure of the economy, the new approaches adopted within firms and changing patterns of social and family life. Some argue that in the face these pressures we should abandon the partnership approach and leave the distributional issues to be determined in a completely decentralised way.This ignores a number of co-ordination problems which can hamper economic performance and lead to unfair outcomes. Fully decentralised pay determination, combined with no consensus on tax and public expenditure, can lead to over-shooting and inconsistent claims on the output of the economy. This would cause a loss of competitiveness and employment and leave the weakest most vulnerable. With or without a single national wage norm, Ireland must find an approach to distribution which avoids these problems.While partnership began in an attempt to rescue the Irish economy, society and politics from the deep crisis of the 1980s, its development through the 1990s suggests that it should be seen as a part of the dramatic opening, Europeanisation, commercialisation and democratisation of Irish society. Since the destination of the society is unknown, so partnership must take new forms, provided it can continue to anticipate and help solve the problems that change throws up. REFERENCES FitzGerald, J. 1999) ‘Wage Formation and the Labour Market’, in F. Barry ed. 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O’Reardon, (2000) ‘Social partnership in Ireland’s Economic Transformation’, in Giusseppe Fajertag and Phillipe Pochet (eds. ) Social Pacts in Europe—New Dynamics, Brussels: European Trade Union Institute. O’Donnell, R. and Teague, P. (2000) Partnership at Work in Ireland: An Evaluation of Progress Under Partnership 2000. Dublin: The Stationery Office. Sabel, C. F. (1996) Ireland: Local Development and Social Innovation, Paris: OECD, 1996Visser, J. (1998) ‘Concertation—the Art of Making Social Pacts’ paper pres ented at Notre Europe/ETUI seminar on ‘National Social Pacts’, Brussels, June 10th, 1998. Visser. , J. and A. Hemerijck (1997) ‘A Dutch Miracle: Job Growth, Welfare Reform and Corporatism in the Netherlands’ Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press Walsh B. and Leddin A. (1992) The Macroeconomy of Ireland, Dublin: Gill and Macmillan. Walsh, J. , Craig, S. and McCafferty, D. (1998) Local Partnerships for Social Inclusion? , Dublin: Oak Tree Press.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Hamlet s Madness And Insanity - 1481 Words

Much has been has been discussed of Hamlet’s madness and insanity. There have been endless arguments of whether his madness is feigned or unfeigned. Although, minimal arguments have been made about Hamlet’s pessimism. Hamlet is one of Shakespeare s most pessimistic plays, and as such it delivers the message that in a fallen world, reality often fails to match the ideal. The human experiences held up for pessimistic contemplation in Hamlet includes death, grief, loneliness, insanity, loss of meaning in life, breakdown of relationships, and the corruption of the basic institutions of life. Hamlet, as the main character, is the embodiment of such pessimism throughout the play. Hamlet’s proof of deep cynical pessimism shapes the way we†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Madness, then, is not so much a metaphor as metonymy for death, a moment in which the materiality of the body overturns the authority of distinctions out of which coherent, unified subjectivity is constructed†(Coddon, 397). This is what Hamlet struggles with indefinitely, not only is hamlet’s madness metonymy for death, but he exemplifies such by making direct, pessimistic metaphors. Hamlet refers to the world in a metaphor as â€Å"an unweeded garden†, directing the audience to the cause of his despair. Perhaps he is indicating that like a garden, that which should be beautiful and natural has become confused and perverted. This is perhaps referring to his mother’s â€Å"incestuous† marriage to his uncle: marriage should be a beautiful, natural pure thing, but it is now perverted by incest. Hamlet concludes at the end of his soliloquy that just lik e an unweeded garden â€Å"it is not, nor it cannot come to good.† Hamlet’s assumption that it can not ever â€Å"come to good† is Hamlet’s pessimistic state of mind anticipating undesirable outcomes. Take Hamlet’s relationship with his mother for exemplification. Because Hamlet has been so disillusioned about love by his mother’s actions, he rejects the possibility that romantic love is an important part of human relationships. He is consumed by the outrageousness of his mother’s love for his uncle, and he rejectsShow MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeare s Hamlet - Uncertain Madness And Insanity1401 Words   |  6 PagesUncertain Madness and Insanity Madness can drive a person to do actions that could be described as weird, strange, concerning, and disturbing. Hamlet, the main character in the play Hamlet, leads people on to believe he has gone mad and insane. There is a debate that if Hamlet is truly mad, or if he is faking being mad. Also if he Hamlet does slip into insanity in the play at any point. Well with the evidence shown in the play, Hamlet is faking going into madness for most of part. Hamlet does inRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Hamlet - Sanity Vs. Insanity1742 Words   |  7 PagesJoyner Sanity VS. 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